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  • 영작첨삭게시판
  • 영작첨삭게시판
  • SMEs Compensation- bee님
    작성일 : 2022-03-05 00:39:57  

    Beginning the 3rd, small business owners will be compensated for damages they incurred by the disease control measures for COVID-19 during the 4th quarter last year.

    Adding 150,000 business owners engaged in accommodation and wedding, a total of 900,000 people will be paid 2.2 trillion won.

    For the first five days, applications can be submitted based on the last digit in their business registration number. For applications submitted before 4 p.m. payment can be made on the same day.

    The department of SMEs and venture business held the 10th Deliberation Commission for Damage Compensation at the government building in Sejong on the 2nd and came up with the 2021 4th quarter damage compensation payment plan including the above contents. 

    Each receives an average of 2.44 million won. The payment will be made to 90 small business owners who saw their sales reduce during the period October 1st to December 31st due to the quarantine measures including a ban on a large-scale gathering, curfew on business hours and a limit on the number of customers.

    The government amended the Enforcement Decree of SMEs Act on the 7th last month to expand the scope of compensation to businesses affected by the measures that limit the number of customers. The revised law included additional 150,000 owners engaged in accommodation, beauty and barber shops and wedding venues that implemented measures like skipping every other seat and limiting customer numbers per area.


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    현재글 SMEs Compensation bee 2022.03.05 866
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