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  • 영작첨삭게시판
  • 영작첨삭게시판
  • Question- Nina님
    작성일 : 2020-09-16 14:10:19  

    Dear Teacher Nina,


     I’m the only one (loving/loved) you.


    Question:  In the above sentence, is 'loving' the right word to use? if so, would you please tell me why 'loved' cannot be used here?


    and can I say:  I'm the only one who loved you.


    Thank you always for your clear explanation.

    ---------------------------------------------- 원본글입니다.-----------------------------------------------


    Dear Bee:


    If you say "I'm the only one who loved you," it means that "I loved you only in the past."

    You can't say "I'm the only one loved you," because the relative pronoun "who" functions as a subject. Therefore, it can't be omitted.​

    However, you can omit the relative pronoun "who" when it functions as an object.

    "I'm the only one loving you," means "I still love you."


    You're welcome. Keep on practicing, Bee.





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    14 Question bee 2020.09.16 1
    현재글  Question Nina 2020.09.16 13
    12  Thank you for your excellent reply bee 2020.09.16 1
    11  You're Welcome Nina 2020.09.17 3