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  • 오늘의영어
  • 5/24 How about ~?- 오늘의 영어님
    작성일 : 2022-05-22 20:41:52   조회수 : 93




    How about ~? 


    Sample Sentences

    1. How about soaking in a warm bath while listening to classical music to relax your mind and body?

    2. How about taking a yoga class​ instead of doing it at home?

    3. How about studying business management in America?

     4. How about taking your son to the slopes to ski in the winter?

    5. How about going on a trip to Hawaii?

    Sample Dialogue

    Dad: What are you taking up in university?

    Jeong-hun:​  I'm not sure, yet. Do you think I should major in engineering?

    Dad: How about studying business management in America?

    Jeong-hun:​ Not bad.

    Dad: You'll get some experience abroad, and improve not only your English but also your employment prospects in Korea.


    Jeong-hun:​ Thanks, Dad, but I'll miss you, Mom, and my friends.

    Dad: You can spend the entire summer with us.


    Jeong-hun:​ You can say that again!

    How about ~?

    ~는 어때?



     * 본 수업중 시간을 할애해서 연습할 basic pattern입니다. 

    수업시간에 다른 예문을 직접 만들어보세요.*


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