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  • 6/24 It's hard to ~ .- 오늘의 영어님
    작성일 : 2021-06-20 05:23:19   조회수 : 140


    It's hard to ~ .

    Sample Sentences

    1. It's hard to please everyone.

    2. It's hard to​ do some work by oneself.

    3.​ It's hard to​  concentrate in a noisy environment.

    4.​ It's hard to​ raise many children.

    5. It's hard to​ make a living.

    Sample Dialogue

    Carmella:  Merry! Merry!

    Meredith:​  Oh, sorry. I couldn't hear you.

    Carmella:  Why don't you turn the volume down?

    Meredith:​  It's all right. It doesn't bother me at all.

    Carmella:  It's hard to concentrate in a noisy environment.

    Meredith: ​ I'm used to it. I'll be done with my work in a jiffy and then go to bed.  


    It's hard to ~ .

    ~하는 것은 어렵다.


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