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  • 오늘의영어
  • 10/10 Why are you so ~?- 오늘의 영어님
    작성일 : 2024-10-06 11:51:01   조회수 : 118




    Why are you so ~? 


    Sample Sentences

    1. Why are you so angry at your new roommate?

    2. Why are you so gorgeous tonight?

    3. Why are you so late for your class?

    4. Why are you so excited about your new job?

    5. Why are you so polite to your colleagues? 

    Sample Dialogue

    Miss Blackwood:  Why are you so excited about your new job?

    Mr. Fitzpatrick:​  New opportunities are supposed to give you the sense that you're stepping into something fresh and new. If that excitement isn't there, it could be that the job or company itself simply isn't exciting.

    Miss Blackwood:  Is that so? I think I'd better look for a new job.

    Mr. Fitzpatrick:  My uncle's still looking for a resort manager. His manager is migrating to Australia next month. Would you be interested in managing a resort? I know that you enjoy working with people, organizing events, and leading employees. That'll be an exciting career for you. What do you think?


    Miss Fitzpatrick:  ​ I'll give it a shot.



    Why are you so ~?

    너는 왜 그렇게 ~ 인 것이야?


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