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  • 오늘의영어
  • 6/12 How do you like ~?- 오늘의 영어님
    작성일 : 2024-06-09 14:57:32   조회수 : 110





    How do you like ~?



    Sample Sentences

    1.​ How do you like my new haircut?


    2. How do you like your new neighbors?

    3. How do you like my old apartment?

    4. How do you like living abroad?

    5. How do you like working with my uncle?

    Sample Dialogue

    Norward:​  How do you like working with my uncle? 

    Richard:  It's great. He offered me a decent salary. Although I work at night, I quite enjoy it. I get to practice my social skills with both our local and foreign customers.

    Norward​​:​  I'm glad you like your new job. I'll drop by your store one of these days.

    Richard​:  Please do, Norward. I know you're into fashion. 

    Norward​​​:​  Clothes make the man.

    Richard​​​:  You bet! Thanks again for introducing me to your uncle. I'll treat you to a nice meal when I get my first check.

    Norward​​​​​:​  Sure. Give me a call.

    Richard​​​:  See you.







    How do you like ~?

    너는 ~이 맘에 들어? 


     * 본 수업중 시간을 할애해서 연습할 basic pattern입니다. 

    수업시간에 다른 예문을 직접 만들어보세요.*


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