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  • 6/7 It's about how ~.- 오늘의 영어님
    작성일 : 2024-06-03 07:17:54   조회수 : 107





    It's about how ~.



    Sample Sentences

    1.  It​'s about how much you care.


    2.  It's about how well I can handle stress.  

    3.  It's about how safe the neighborhood is.  

    4.  It's about how hard you can hit the ball.

    5.  It's about how you can correct your mistakes.  

    Sample Dialogue

    Fitzgerald:  Has anyone ever told you that you look much younger than your age?

    Hadleigh:  Yes, some people thought I was only in my thirties.

    FitzgeraldReally? What do you do to look younger?

    Hadleigh:  I don't smoke, drink alcohol, or eat processed food. I exercise regularly and get enough sleep. Most of all, I think it's about how well I can handle stress.

    Fitzgerald​:​ Are you also using any anti-aging products?

    Hadleigh:  Not at all. I just apply sunscreen every time I step outside, regardless of the weather and season.

    Fitzgerald​:​  I see. I think I should cut down on alcohol and processed food.

    Hadleigh:  You'd better quit smoking, too.


    Fitzgerald​​​:​  I'll try.



    It's about how ~.

    How you do it is important


     * This is a basic pattern that you will spend some time practicing during this class. 

    Create other example sentences yourself during class.*


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