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  • 오늘의영어
  • 11/23 I just wanted to ~.- 오늘의 영어님
    작성일 : 2023-11-20 02:31:47   조회수 : 72



    I just wanted to ~.


    Sample Sentences

    1. I just wanted to concentrate on my studies.

    2. I just wanted to say goodbye before I left.

    3. I just wanted to get higher marks in the examinations.

    4. I just wanted to help you when you were in trouble.

    5. I just wanted to ask him something very important.

    Sample Dialogue

    Brooklyn:  Hello, Wendell. This is Brooklyn. I tried to call your brother, but for some reasons 

                  I couldn't get through. I just wanted to ask him something very important.

    Wendell:​  He has gone abroad for three weeks. He'll be back on the first day of December. 

                 Why don't you send him a text message instead?

    Brooklyn:  I must ask him in person. I think I'll just wait until he comes back. Thank you,                      Wendell. Speak to you next time. Have a good day.

    Wendell: ​ Goodbye.


    I just wanted to ~.

    나는 단지 ~하고 싶었다.


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