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  • 오늘의영어
  • 11/17 I'm trying to ~.- 오늘의 영어님
    작성일 : 2023-11-13 10:58:39   조회수 : 72



    I'm trying to ~.


    Sample Sentences

    1. I'm trying to concentrate on solving this problem.

    2. I'm trying to finish the project as soon as possible.

    3. I'm trying to remember all the names of the participants.

    4. I'm trying to be calm, cool and collected.

    5. I'm trying to write with my left hand.

    Sample Dialogue

    Madeline:  Please be quiet, Gabby. I'm trying to concentrate on solving this tricky math problem.

    Gabriella:​  I can help you with math. I'm very good at it.  

    Madeline​:  I must do it on my own. I shouldn't depend on you all the time.

    Gabriella: ​ If you really can't solve it, just tell me. I'll be glad to help you anytime.

    Madeline​​:  Thank you, Gabby.


    Gabriella: ​ Sure!

    I'm trying to ~.

    나는 ~하려고 한다.


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