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  • 오늘의영어
  • 10/7 I've got ~.- 오늘의 영어님
    작성일 : 2019-10-07 01:37:58   조회수 : 693


    I've got ~. 

    Sample Sentences

    1. I've got a lot of homework to do this weekend.

    2. I've got a big sister and a little brother.

    3. I've got some good news for you!

    4. I've got a terrible headache.

    5.  I've got  a couple of sandwiches for lunch.

    Sample Dialogue

    Tommy:  Let's watch an action movie this weekend.

    Anna:  I'm sorry, but I've got a lot of homework to do this weekend and important tests next week. 

    Tommy:  How about next weekend after your tests? Will you be free then?

    Anna:  I think so. I haven't made any appointments, yet.

    Tommy:  OK, it's a date!

    I've got ~.

    나는 ~ 가지고 있어(= I have)



     * 본 수업중 시간을 할애해서 연습할 basic pattern입니다. 

    수업시간에 다른 예문을 직접 만들어보세요.* 


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