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  • 오늘의영어
  • 3/26 It seems like ~.- 오늘의 영어님
    작성일 : 2024-03-24 20:22:12   조회수 : 86



    It seems like ~.



    Sample Sentences

    1. It seems like a nice day to take a walk in the park.


    2. It seems like a good idea to buy insurance now.

    3. It seems like the right product to market in your country.

    4. It seems like a difficult problem to solve overnight.

    5. It seems like the best topic for my essay. 

    Sample Dialogue

     Jonathan​:  A penny for your thoughts, Sam?

    Samuel:​  I'm thinking of a topic for my essay. I have to hand it in tomorrow morning. 

    Jonathan​​:  What kind of essay?

    Samuel​:​  A cause and effect.

     Jonathan​:  That's easy. How about the cause and effect of telling lies? People tell lies several times a day.

    Samuel​:​  It seems like the best topic for my essay.  April Fool's Day is coming. Thank you, Johnny.

     Jonathan​:  I'm glad to help.







    It seems like ~.

    ~인 듯 보인다 


     * 본 수업중 시간을 할애해서 연습할 basic pattern입니다. 

    수업시간에 다른 예문을 직접 만들어보세요.*


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